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 Ethan Connors

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Posts : 113
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

Ethan Connors Empty
PostSubject: Ethan Connors   Ethan Connors EmptySat Mar 24, 2012 10:43 pm

I've been lookin' for a new place to start my new life, Palomino Creek looked like a nice location in the Tourist Guide.

Ethan Connors Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSIGOXpB9FIFUijho-H-jdEU1nZFmABNSeU-2SwmDPb3BOCzrK3lQ

I remember every aspect, detail and event of that day. The rope, the gun, my wife...- I can still feel the warmth of her hands when she hugged me, I'm the only one to blame, that guy in the Ski mask had his own reasons to do that, he had a "family" -or at least, that's the bullshit that he threw at us-...When the police arrived, it was already too late, she died right next to me, I...- I can only run away from the past, to ..try a new life.

The medication is not working, I need to contact a local Pharmacy for any side-effects. 5 years..- 5 years and I'm still thinking about her, oh man, it should've been Me. Luckly, the police got the guy, but...that doesn't matter to me anymore.
I left my studio, my house, my car and even my money. I needed a new start, no more editions, no more books, scripts and stories.I'm a new Ethan, today, I'm reborn as "the newcomer",in a small town in the middle of nowhere...- Hmph, how cliche. I got my bags packed, my ticket and...hope.

I know, you're probably thinking "This cityfolk is far away from his home, poor fella' ". This is my new home, I'll try to find a new life, hopefuly, a new story..- But I need the medication first, and a place to stay..

I am Ethan Connors, and THIS, is my journey.

I woke up to the warm and cozy shout of "Gooood mornin' Palomino Creek!", as the radio pushed away the silent vibe of the hotel room, I walked to the start of the "routine": a shower, breakfast, reading and a brief tour around the town. I have to admit it, I felt the lack of sorrow the minute I stepped outside the building. That sunshine over the smog-free sky, can only be matched by the emotions of the human heart.
I've seen a few strangers around, some of them probably ignored me, while a few started a brief conversation about my "new setting".
I feel..alive, I..- I don't need my medication anymore, the fresh air, the friendly people and the lack of constant noise contamination, keep my stress to a perfect 0 percent. This is my new home, my "Eden".

Hopefuly, the people in this town never heard of me, or saw any of my books.I love the way that I'm a simple stranger to them.

I found a bar, near the General Store.I gotta' say it, a bar in an alleyway? That's one weird place to get costumers to visit, anyway, I talked to the man behind the counter, Vlad -Russian or perhaps Ukranian-, quite a good fella'. I told him that I moved in from Manhattan, and that I loved the peace in this town, to which, he replied with "This town is a mess". It took nothing but THAT phrase to make me question my new setting in Palomino Creek, he's wrong ..perhaps.

Great, a car accident ...just what I needed, although it was a small accident, my back killed me, man. I'm suffering a little bit of back pain and some shock, nothing serious. "Mademoiselle" Valois payed for the damage, how kind, there's not many people like her around here.
One thing that caught my senses was the lack of interest shown by the local LEO's: I made a 911 call in the woods, about a strange lookin' deal going on. I saw Miss Valois' car parked nothing but a few feet away from the scene, no familiar faces around. One of the individuals approached me, while I quickly made my way towards my car, turned the engine on and floored the gas. The "Last Round" is my safe haven.

Last edited by Zero on Sat Mar 31, 2012 9:02 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Posts : 113
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

Ethan Connors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ethan Connors   Ethan Connors EmptySat Mar 24, 2012 10:45 pm

((Some of your characters -if they're addicted to novels, or books, mainly horror-thriller- can recognize my character, if they're familiar to his IC work (w.i.p). This is a REALLY,EXTREMELY depressed character.))

((Edit: Yeah, Alan Wake.))
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Posts : 113
Join date : 2012-02-22
Age : 28

Ethan Connors Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ethan Connors   Ethan Connors EmptySat Mar 31, 2012 9:02 pm

March 31, 2012.

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PostSubject: Re: Ethan Connors   Ethan Connors Empty

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