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 Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII

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TomAndrew XIV
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TomAndrew XIV

TomAndrew XIV

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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptySun Apr 29, 2012 5:49 pm

Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII 47799992

Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Introtc

There's a war raging in the music city.. one gang is taking all commerce ' You could go out of your house and get just get shot.. right there on the spot by a gang so called ' Brown Pride '.There's no limit to there violance, there's no way the police department can take down to it's gang due to the gang recruits all the time, one homeboy dead.. two more homeboy's come..It all started in Nashville... first it was a calm place with country music all over.. a great place to raise a family in queit.. but in the early 1990's things changed... a ' car transporting factory ' opened inside Nashville and some of the people migrated to Nashville so they could work inside this factory.. but even though the factory had alot of '' workers '' and it was doing great.. and brang alot of good news with it... there were also a couple of bad news.. and the biggest bad news was.. that some of the people who migrated to Nasvhille to work inside the factory.. where Hispanic.. blood thrirsty hispanic people.The police department noticed an increasement of violance around the country, so they went on patrol.. and when ever they'd go to nashville.. they'd find people dead.. but there just wasn't a clue who was commiting these obnoxious and pointless crimes.It obnoxiously took some time for the police department to actually notice that the killers were hispanis, hispanics which used to work for the actual car factory.Gangs emerged all over Nashville and now.. it was too late. Ale,Alejandro was one of the biggest known drug-dealers all around Nashville, he was young.. but appearently his brain wasn't. ' A criminal mastermind ' emerged. After two years of straight drug-dealing from Ale and a couple of his friends which used to back him up... crimes were starting to emerge towards Ale's drugs crew.. and Ale had to take action.. so he started recruiting a couple of kids into the crew and he'd sell them drugs.. but one day.. a couple of Sureno members came down with a black caddilac- they rolled the window and bam bam bam bam .. it was clearly a drive-by which left seven poeple dead on the ground.That was clearly a warning signal for Ale to stop his dealings and to stop his so called ' crew'.But Ale, accepted the chalange and instead of complying with the nutorious gang the ' Surenos ' he started recruiting more and more people and he'd trade his drugs for weapons...Choppers ( AK-47 ), Baby's ( Pistols ), Fly ( Molotov's ) that's all you'd hear around Ale.. in some-way the crew ended up in one of the most ruthless gangs around Nashville, the Brown Pride.3 years later.. Brown pride started taking over so the Surenos and the Vatos locos teamed up and striked the Brown pride with a big attack, Brown pride was practically dead.. but Ale... Alejandro was still alive.. there was no way the Surenos and the Vatos Locos could take Ale down.. Ale worked with his mind not with his hands.. Ale caught the first Ride to Palomino Creek, and now Ale is obnoxiously taking on his attempt of creating the same era of Nashville but this time.. more organized and more respectful organization.

Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Samp003dyj


Ale turned the car's engine off as he than quickly moved his hand in his backpocket withdrawing a lighter, lighting his joint.
Ale took a couple of hits from his joint as he than quickly shifted his gaze over his homeboys wihch

were sitting right beside him inside the car.
Ale grinned as he than muttered a few words while raising his hand in the air showing his '' homeboys '' a business, '' Pizza Stack ''.
'' That's the place we're robbing '', said Ale.. every homeboy nodded and wore there ski-masks.
Ale, grinned as he than took the last hit from the joint quickly releasing it off the window as he gripped on his glock.17 which was on the dash-board, he kept the glock.17 low as he than entered the pizza-stack.
As soon as Ale and his homeboys entered the pizza stack, Ale raised the gun in the air as he aimed at the pregnant woman shooting one bullet in her head, grinning- as he than made his way towards the counter aiming the gun at the shop-keepers head, squeezing the trigger one more time.
The other shop-keeper got scared as he than quickly deposited the money into the bag one of the homeboys were holding .. but as soon as Ale went outside the Pizza stack... his homeboys started running and Ale didn't know what was going on.. and exactly as Ale started his car's engine.. loud police-sirens could be heared, the police rammed Ale's car and as Ale got outside the car the police opened fire on him- shooting him one time in his stomach.
Ale dropped on the ground but he didn't die, obviously Ale was set-up by his own people, the Brown-pride members.
Ale was sent to hospital for ten years for such a conduct of a murder.. after he was released.. he went back to Palomino Creek and he was welcomed back by his homeboys.. he found his old homeboys ( the snithces ) he killed them and once again.. Brown-Pride was straight banging creating problems and chaos towards the city of Palomino Creek.

Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Samp067cp

Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Samp000cz


Diego was walking down the street with his homeboy Alejandro Guzman.. also known as '' Ale '', The leader ( shot caller ) of the Brown-Pride party ( gang ).
When Ghost and Ale were walking.. suddenly a black SUV popped up out of no-where.. two guys leaned outside the window as he they than quickly squeezed the trigger a couple of times shooting Diego one time in his leg and Ale one time in his stomach area, It was the second time that Ale got shot in his stomach area, but he made it once again.
After a few conducts with Ale and the '' homeboys '' Brown-Pride decided to strike the Mara Salvatrucha members as it was them who drive-byed Diego and Ale, All of the homeboys. including Ale and Diego were hooked up with choppers ( AK-47's ), They all drove towards the hood as they parked in an alley-way and waited for the Salvatrucha members to get into cars, Diego and his homeboys followed the car and when it got to a stop-sign they all got outside with AK's as he they than aimed the AK's towards the windows, muterring '' Brown-Pride '' as they than all squeezed the trigger killing four of the mara salvatrucha members.. right there on the spot.. no questions asked.

Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Samp066bu

Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Samp006mnn

Lance was only ten when he first squeezed the trigger killing a Mara-Salvatrucha member on the spot in a Brown-pride affiliated hood, he got affiliated into Brown-Pride by one of the Brown-pride leaders carrying the name of Palomino Creek.. known as '' Ghost ''.
After a few months of Lance being affilation into the Brown-Pride gang.. Ale and Ghost hooked everybody up with Molotov's, AK-47's and snub-noses and a few auto-matic glock.18's.
Lance grinned as he than picked a glock.18 as a choice, entering the GMC which was parked in the middle of the hood.
Ghost turned the engine on as they all made there way to the mara-salvatrucha's hood up in Palomino Creek, Diego grinned as he than gave a signal to his guys to follow him as they pulled up in an alley away from the salvatrucha's, they all wore ski-masks as they than came from behind the salvatrucha's squeezing the trigger with no mercy, killing thirteen salvatrucha's members, Lance in Ale's and Ghost's perspective was the most '' Ice-cold homeboy '' around the hood, as soon as Lance dropped the Mara-salvatruchas leader, he leaned closer to him as he than squeezed the trigger two more times making sure that the leader was dead, as they made there way back to the hood, Ale and Ghost called up a meeting and jumped Lance-in, now Lance is a jumped-in member of the Brown-pride and one of the most respected members around the hood.

Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Priders

Shot Caller


Original Gangster



Lance Cortez


Abelino Cortez

Jumped in member

Pee-Wee(Youngest Gang Members)


Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Kajspc

Name: Rocky.

Age: 1 year.

Owner: Alejandro Guzman.

Registered Household:Palomino Creek.

Can be found: Most likely with owner, or home.

Weight: 98 lbs.

Description of Dog:

Has a very muscular personality towards himself, can be mistaken for a deadly dog but if you know him he's often nice. Likes people who hang around him the most and is very loyal towards his owner, will attack any being or anything that the owner tells him to, very familiar with the owners family as-well.

Tips on how to join.
Joining the Brown-Pride gang is not such an easy task even though you might think it's easy hence the usual gangs around Project-Reality are prettty easy to join, this gang is nothing like that.
Joining the Brown-Pride ( In Character ways )
You must roleplay a firm character, a character which has been living around the hood for some-what of a long time..and he shouludn't be around the hood to ask about '' joining the gang '' one should ever do that.
Once your on your attempt of joining the Brown-Pride you shouldn't be aged more than eighteen or aged less then nine.
You should never roleplay a twenty-year-old plus because due to conducts of real life and the year of two-thousand and eleven, usually the gangs are ran by young-people. And hence the leaders are usually young.. ofcourse a leader wouln't want an older man to take over his party because he has a better mind / reputation than him.. also you shouldn't be roleplaying as an old guy because ofcourse the young leaders will think that your a snitch or that maybe you've been affiliated or even jumped in other gangs.. or maybe butt-fucked in prison, which that would be somthing that Brown-Pride would never allow in there party ( gang ).

Once your on you attempt of joining Brown-Pride you should never or atleast.. rarely use hispanic words ( slang ).
You may sometimes use small-time hispanic words, but in every five sentences you say.. there should be only one hispanic-word.. in my perspective..there should be no use of hispanic-slang as it's 2011 and the leaders of Brown-Pride and every other gang are still young and moved to America from when they were young... and didn't really get to full knowlage of the hiispaic words.. and they've been speaking english for decades.

Slang you may use while your on your attempt of joining the Brown-Pride gang.
'' Homeboy '' - This is something that we usually use.. this is usually used when the person has been known around the '' hood '' ( the place where the gang roleplays ).
'' Homie ''- This is pretty much used.. when one has pretty much earned his respect and the guy which is calling him a '' homie '' respects him as a friend, nothing more.. nothing less.
'' The Hood '' - This is the place where the '' homeboys '' chill at, in this case the hood would be around El Corona and Verdant bluffs ( Two places that the Brown-Pride gang ows around Los Santos ).
'' Chavallas '' - This is rarely used... or atleast used on special occasians.. I myself like to use it sometimes when we're going to attack an enemy gang... '' Let's go blast those chavallas ''. '' Chavallas '' is another state-ment for '' Lame '' And hence '' let's go blast those lames '' sounds kinda bad.. i'd ratherly use '' Chavallas '' instead.. and ofcourse we're roleplaying as a hispanic so don't be afraid to use such a word.. just don't over use it.. and you'll do perfectly fine.
Use of weapons.
You may carry a weapon around you when your roleplaying at the hood.
But you may never pull-out a weapon for no actual reason.. or just to show it to another member in public.. if you want to roleplay showing the weapon to anotoher member inside the brown-pride or maybe an outsider, why not? but go to a private-place.. I don't know maybe in the alley-way or inside one of the houses that the Brown-Pride owns.
You may never use a weapon when your being beaten-up by an enemy or your-own gang member... gun in brawl will probably result in an admin-jail if an admin is spectating during that time.. and we have admins in our gang so you better watch out.. because we'll be screened most of the time by an admin.
If you use a gun in a brawl you'll be kicked from the faction.. no questions asked, you'll also be kicked from the faction if you become a trigger-happy person or you beat somebody up for no actual reason without an IC reason.
The Roleplay.
This is the most important part and the last part.. also the part which will circle all the statements together.. if your not a good roleplayer.. please don't even dare attempting to roleplay with this gang.
This gang is strictly based on gang-roleplay also known as '' hood-roleplay '', so if your here to kill everybody or to be a '' rocky balboa '' you might-aswell just join another gang or quit and go to a death-match server.
The use of /me's.
This is somthing I really like and pay attention towards this action, every -member- or -outsider- must be able to create an obnoxiously good /me with proper grammar and proper statements of what's happening inside the action.
The /me doesn't have to be very long, but it must atleast be some-what of 10 words limiting to twenty-words, ofcourse.. to start a /me you have to start the /me with a non-capitalized letter, and you must -always- end the /me with a fullstop. '' . ''
Talking in-characterly.
Ofcourse, the gang is based on in-character when your roleplaying with the gang you might-aswell /togb just so you won't be mistaken OOC with IC
To properly talk in-character you must always start your sentence with a capatilized letter such a '' A '' and not '' a '', also you must used '' , '' when needed, and you must always end your sentence ( statement ) with a fullstop. '' . ''


Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII 2h67gb8


Brown Pride V.5

Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Untitled-4




Joey Cortez
Tyler Nixon

Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Media


Thread Credits-Alejandro Guzman

Last edited by TomAndrew XIV on Wed May 02, 2012 2:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 2:14 am

Most epic faction ever made yes, so epic. Wetbacks strike back now I say, for el chupacabra, el pollo loco, eddie guerro, and el tortuga ninja leonardo. I wish you good luck. Also please make apps I would love to join.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 3:59 am

Chronoz wrote:
Most epic faction ever made yes, so epic. Wetbacks strike back now I say, for el chupacabra, el pollo loco, eddie guerro, and el tortuga ninja leonardo. I wish you good luck. Also please make apps I would love to join.

Say what.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 4:36 am

I'm going with Nori on this... What?... Epic? I'm sorry, but I'm finding this to be another gang..

But good luck with it..

OH AND PS: fix the colors. the dark blue hurt peoples' eyes when we try to read it..

But Take RC Down?.... Red County has a LARGE police force, Well funded as well. I have to say that I DOUBT that ANYONE, Even Police(ON ALTS NO LESS) will show any mercy to a ... small group of... people with malicious intent.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 8:28 am

"They both came to the Red country and they joined Lance for taking the red country down"
Well, I don't mind drilling holes into you guys with an M4.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 9:11 am

So. You're a gang that seeks trouble and probs with police ? Y'know you should rather just, deal drugs, try and corrupt people. Make people pay you stuff etc.

That's what I see when I think about mafia and gangsters, smart business men not rambos.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 10:56 am

Ah yes.

More Class-D's for me to perform tests on.

Great faction!
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 11:46 am

JermaineCEE wrote:
"They both came to the Red country and they joined Lance for taking the red country down"
Well, I don't mind drilling holes into you guys with an M4.

HUH? I will see you IG will see what you can do and what cannot,By the way are there any weapon dealers who sell M4?

Nico wrote:
So. You're a gang that seeks trouble and probs with police ?Y'know you should rather just, deal drugs

Hmm nice Idea about that drug dealing
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 12:06 pm

Yes... M4 can be sold, but with the third license, which is only given to government officials and FBI/SWAT... and shit. CIvilians however arent allowed to carry an m4 even an oncealed one.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 4:03 pm

JermaineCEE wrote:
"They both came to the Red country and they joined Lance for taking the red country down"
Well, I don't mind drilling holes into you guys with an M4.

HUH? I will see you IG will see what you can do and what cannot,By the way are there any weapon dealers who sell M4?

Uh sure, just don't be foolish enough to rob us or some shit. And probably, but how the hell does a gang member dude thingy have an M4 anyway? I thought they were more into AK's and Tec-9's and shit..
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 4:30 pm

GHOST wrote:
JermaineCEE wrote:
"They both came to the Red country and they joined Lance for taking the red country down"
Well, I don't mind drilling holes into you guys with an M4.

HUH? I will see you IG will see what you can do and what cannot,By the way are there any weapon dealers who sell M4?

Uh sure, just don't be foolish enough to rob us or some shit. And probably, but how the hell does a gang member dude thingy have an M4 anyway? I thought they were more into AK's and Tec-9's and shit..

I got your back lol.

anyway a big bad ass taking police down not able to be hurt faction?

And then they say Grove is to extreme..
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 4:39 pm

Grove back in the time was epic. I remember getting hunted by a police chopper and shot to death. Was fun.

But still, as long as you do things properly with this faction..good luck mates. Forgot to say it before.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 4:42 pm

"Ah, yes, mere infantry - poor beggars..."
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyMon Apr 30, 2012 4:50 pm

First off, there are no weapons dealers selling Clearance 3 weapons at the moment. If anyone has Clearance 3 weapons, someone's abusing a faction license, abusing administrative powers, or hacking them. Anyone found with the weapons, better be ready for questioning. I'll be firing any SASP accounts linked to distributing the weapons.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyTue May 01, 2012 7:32 pm

Okay... seriously Tom this is not epic... let me see this is drug cartel? if it is i wish you to stop geting trouble with Cops... if this is Weapon Caretel i will wish you same and if this is Chicano Gang .... well everything is fucked up contact me with skype maybe i will help you..
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyWed May 02, 2012 2:21 pm

Good luck to us.
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TomAndrew XIV

TomAndrew XIV

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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyWed May 02, 2012 2:22 pm

YeS and nice work!!!
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyWed May 02, 2012 3:37 pm

I'm going to post Screenshots soon i hope we will get Official status.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyWed May 02, 2012 3:49 pm

Getting official isn't easy, and this faction isnt ready for it.

You'll need lot'so potential for it. You'll need organized crime.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyWed May 02, 2012 3:51 pm

I got experiance in Chicano Hood roleplay i wish to see other gang for some drive by's and war.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyWed May 02, 2012 3:53 pm

I'm afraid this server doesn't fit such roleplay. Gangwars and so on, the playerbase cannot take it yet, however there are PD members, use them as target practise.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyWed May 02, 2012 4:44 pm

First thing is first.

Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII 35b72ix
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyWed May 02, 2012 9:53 pm

Armaros wrote:
I'm afraid this server doesn't fit such roleplay. Gangwars and so on, the playerbase cannot take it yet, however there are PD members, use them as target practise.

With the current playerbase , the server can barely "take" anything much.

Why not a random gang? Oh yeah, because it's Red Country supposed to be vandalized by rednecks , not gangsters.

But truly other things I wouldn't like to mention here (because I'll be blamed for doing so) can fit with no problems.

Give it a try, you know, give it a try.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyThu May 03, 2012 10:49 am

This gang fits in very well. Aswell as governamental super secret hi-tech factions or Grove street gangsters and even serial killers undercover as pizza delivery guys.

Give it a try. Always. True we need players but we won't get many if we don't let them roleplay what they feel like - within limits.
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Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII Empty
PostSubject: Re: Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII   Brown Pride Tiny Locos IIXVIII EmptyThu May 03, 2012 10:57 am

TomAndrew XIV wrote:
Tips on how to join.
Joining the Brown-Pride gang is not such an easy task even though you might think it's easy hence the usual gangs around Project-Reality are prettty easy to join, this gang is nothing like that.
Joining the Brown-Pride ( In Character ways )

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