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 Miguel Silva

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Posts : 21
Join date : 2012-05-21
Age : 25
Location : Portugal

Miguel Silva Empty
PostSubject: Miguel Silva   Miguel Silva EmptyMon May 21, 2012 8:43 pm

This is my story I hope you enjoy.

: )

Once in Monforte, Portugal, had called a family, Smith family, was composed of seven members, a father, mother, and five irmãos.Dia August 5, 1990, due to an unexpected pregnancy, Mary the wife of Fernando , gave birth to Michael. A skinny boy, with brown eyes and dark hair. The years went by, and also the difficulties, both his brothers, John, Anthony, Joseph, had to go to work the land with his father. Michael was only five years, and since then he always carried a football with him, he called it, girlfriend public, because all played with it.
Many girls want to date him, but he only saw the ball, ball and more ball.
At age 10, he debuted as a footballer at your club in the village, Monfortense, delighted fans, and this small field, was a scout from Sporting CP, one of the biggest clubs in the history of Portuguese football, this same man, Miguel took the train to the gym club, and liked it so much that at age 13, Michael was playing there.
Was there until the age of 18, where that same year was considered the better player, and youngest of the day playing as a professional. Of course everything is not rosy.
At 19, Michael receives a call from his sister, Sara, saying that her mother was killed by her brother, Joseph
Miguel immediately collect his brother's house and beat him, to death. That same day, Michael was expelled from Sporting CP, and began practicing martial arts, such as preference capoera, Jit Su, kung fu, kick box karate.
A fishing day was when it crossed a huge black wolf, Miguel had no half measures, grabbed the knife, which he had to cut the fish, and tried to attack the wolf, tearing his left paw, the wolf attacked it and sent him against a tree, near the forest. Miguel sees a great ride out there and start to rise as there is no tomorrow, the wolf jumped up and when it was going to bite, this stuck his knife into the brain of the wolf, killing it altogether.
So, Michael, for adventure, he traveled to the United States, sought home but it seemed impossible until she found a small village, called Palomino Creek, Miguel entered the village, and a cheap price, bought a house. Since then he has lived there 22 years old and plan to stay forever in Palomino Creek.
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