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 [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)

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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyThu Jan 05, 2012 4:49 am

[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) 13ztn3m
The Arkaway Family Shadow
The Introduction Plot

After a terrible miss haft against the Organized Crime family's plans in controlling their goal to achieve to the top, suffrage and destruction faced strongly towards the Arkaway Family future. The American mob lead by Joseph Arkaway, now holds no respectful tittle among the land they once were powerful in. Due to unexpected events during their past, it lead the Family to a saddened ending- Though left overs still remained. Onward seeking for 'justice' and superiority Lance Arkaway- The family's new Acting Boss, decides for the best to step aside from their desires and start fresh from the bottom. Resulting in the unwanted move towards Los Santos, in which the Family spreads over northern lands, Red County. Their new intentions are to strive victorious, from what little they have to something worth being told about by stories people make around as they wander the streets. But as new comers to the towns located in Red County, they are to face new Organizations, Conflicts, and Problems. Only to seek an opportunity.

~ The Arkaway Family Timeline ~
Most Important Events:

Our Motto

" The Arkaway Family is like a Pyramid, Shit rolls down, and Money flies Up. "

The Traditional Laws

One shall never oversee another as a low scum beneath him.
One shall not ever see more than respect against another's wife or husband.
One does not go trigger happy as an excuse of anger, we're organized and intend to keep that way.
One shall tell the truth when told or questioned by one of the Family.
One must obey the favors asked for from their authority.
One should sets the Family first, before themselves.
One must never betray or go against the Family.

The Family Structure

Arkaway Boss

Joseph Arkaway

Arkaway Acting Boss

Lance Arkaway

Arkaway Under Boss

- ( None at the time ) -

Caporegime ------------ Caporegime ------------ Caporegime
(Red County Streets) --- (Red County Streets) --- (Red County Streets)

Gustavo Vincius ( None at the time ) ( None at the time )

Soldiers ------------ Soldiers ------------ Soldiers
(Designated Capo 1) / (Designated Capo 2) / (Designated Capo 3)

( None at the time ) ⟨ ( None at the time ) ⟨ ( None at the time )

Fellow Associates

Kelly Kardashian (S)

Quote :
Arkaway Family Shadow
The Family Structure Information and Keys

The Boss 'Management'; He or She, are the one(s) responsibly overall for the entire Family. Being in such a respectful position they have lots of duties to accomplish for the sake of the Family to continue running. They're in charge of managing the economic basis for business, support, and so on. Overseeing everything before launching into action. This would include towards the Acting Boss & Under Boss as well, with the exception they consult with the Boss at first.

The Caporegimes; They're the ones in high command over many of the Family's members. Responsibilities such as decision making, balance controlling, and territory leadership applies to them. The Capos in other terms, would regularly have 'sit-downs' with the 'Management' to discuss issues, solutions, suggestions, and/or consulting permission for events. This keeps the Family knowing what's going on around their territory and inner Family.

The Soldiers; Most of them are down as potential personnel which are expected greatness from. They operate the streets' secretive and illegal businesses that surrounds the territory. From drug cartels to exchanges of guns. Reporting back to the Capos with the earnings they've made. Not only are they 'solos' for their designated Capos, but are to do any favors and/or tasks told from higher authority of the Family. Of course, cooperating with the other Capo's 'squads'.

Fellow Associates; These are people which aren't considered part of the Family just yet. Many of these people don't even have to be in the Family to be an associate. They're used as the 'support' part of the Family. Being perhaps, suppliers, informational tellers, plain supporters and so on. Lots of basic Families treat these people as careless scumbags, but to the Arkaway Family, they're seen as worthy people.

Key Legend Structure

(M) - Symbolizes the person as a Made Man. Or in other terms, just Made.(If girl, due to no sex discrimination intended)
(S) - Symbolizes the person as a Supporter. Most likely to be interested into becoming a Soldier.
(IL) - Symbolizes the person as a Information Linker to the Family.
(SU) - Symbolizes the person as a Supplier for the Family.

Alliance Bonds & Treaties

- ( None have been established between other Organizations/Gangs/Clans ) -

Our Active Contracts

~ For those hit target contracts upon people which may be asked for, or established by the Family.
~ As well for legal contracts over businesses concerning economy earnings for the Family. In return, whatever they may agreed on.

- ( None are currently active between other Organizations/People/Gangs/Clans ) -

Our Family Business

⟨ Believing the mobs are all about making hard cold cash, you may believe too that the Arkaway Family is into this. But its not just as simple gaining it. The Arkaway Family tends to provide favors for personnel which are in needs for. Keeping them intact with a bond after the favor may be done. Luring them into a long-term connection bond for future involvement between the two. Of course the Family expects another favor in return, so dependent on the time, the favor may be anything. Arkaway Family keeps contact regularly to those who they've assisted before. Offering new favors concerning money issues, protection, dealership, and bounty contracts the personnel might possibly need. Though when it comes to new business favors, as in to open one or such, they'd tend to make yearly contracts to earn earnings, in return for how ever way they helped. These matters are taking strictly and seriously for the Family.

⟨ Now as for Legal wide opened to the public situations, they Arkaway are known for their previous fund charities they open in yearly events & traditions. Having to open up events for the public, where they may open donation funds for companies, and/or to buy products they offer for the public. But never the less, what's important for them is to keep money rolling in for their plans.

Last edited by StonedNighter on Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:31 am; edited 10 times in total
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyThu Jan 05, 2012 4:51 am

The Arkaway Family Shadow
Our News and Media Section
  • (12/30/2011) A trust fund is set between an unknown lady. Arranging a car's dealership establishment. Profits made.
    (Only certain personnel know of this event.)

    (( Images to be uploaded soon. ))

  • (12/30/2011) Unknown sources bond with the AFS as suppliers. Gaining information over another possible supplier.
    (Only AFS Members know of this. And names.)

    (( Images to be uploaded soon. ))

  • (2/6/2012) After discussing such manner, we've respectfully moved up a new man as a Capo leading one of the Family's sections in underground business. As well as arranged plans for a future supplier we will soon get in touch with.
    (Only AFS Members may know.)

The Arkaway Family Shadow
Out of Character Board

Regulation Rules for anyone interested to join, and members.

- Able to Roleplay up to an acceptable level.
- Able to play by the Server and Forum rules.
- We don't like any type of discrimination against others, so don't position yourself in that situation.
- At least hold a level of 2 IG, to get a start and be aware of the server first. (Exceptions may be made.)
- Don't comment against other's actions, meaning if you see them doing something wrong don't rage or anything towards them. Instead, teach them or inform them.

General Information about the Arkaway Family.

This is an American mob. We don't intend on being the same as to other Families you may find. What our main goal or plot in the server is, as you may notice in our time line that the Arkaway had been in a critical condition from a variety of events. They plan to move out north towards Los Santos for hope in regaining balance and strength for the Family. Not to simply be a superior happy rich family which basically tries to own a whole lot of business. The plan for them has been to start off small once again, and to reach what they were before, with a new era.

Reporting an Arkaway Family Member.

If you may spot any of our members going against the regulations we've got. You may use the following code format in order to report them for the cause you've seen. Please, I'm stating this clearly, PM me the Report.

Reporting Format. ( Click Beside me. ):
Specials, temporally event(s).

As the Faction is new, we're in need for members to fill in certain ranks that are necessary to start of. So if you're interested, feel free to send me the following format as an application. Please note, that when doing the application, assume as if you're already in the Arkaway Family, telling what lead you here, what you've done, and such. This will be temporally for a time until we got the ranks needed filled in. After that recruitment is strictly done through IG Roleplays. (NOTE: Alts are allowed, as long as they're active)
Recruitment Format. (Click me Beside):
Suggestions for the Faction.

Please people, we are an open faction towards the public, meaning we'd like to hear what you may have as ideas for improving or developing the faction better. So if you have any thoughts over anything concerning the Faction, feel free to leave a comment below with your suggestion(s). We'd like for the best to happen here, and we're great fully thankful if you could contribute.

Credits for the Faction.

~ AoiroStudio's blog - For creating the graphic picture used for the AFS Faction.
~ Myself - Creating this, taking several days to finish the entire thread.

Last edited by StonedNighter on Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:20 pm; edited 6 times in total
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyThu Jan 05, 2012 7:26 am

This is a good faction.
PLEASE, Do NOT make the same mistake as those BLC *coughs to avoid saying bad stuff*.. people did.
Recruit people that CAN RP that CAN speak English, okay ?
Thank you
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyThu Jan 05, 2012 7:36 am

Scumbag Teo wrote:
This is a good faction.
PLEASE, Do NOT make the same mistake as those BLC *coughs to avoid saying bad stuff*.. people did.
Recruit people that CAN RP that CAN speak English, okay ?
Thank you

OFF-Topic : We have kicked out those people who cant RP / speak english properly now stop highlighting our faction and get going with your own please..

ON - Topic : Good luck with the faction Ken ! Looks much good!
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyThu Jan 05, 2012 11:31 am

How will you make sure the lines of PG, MG and DM are not crossed with this faction?
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyThu Jan 05, 2012 1:27 pm

Well thank you for your support people, as for the question; I plan to make AFS a strict IC faction. So I'll tend to always have a reason behind my doings, whether its for information or strikes. Though if its someone from the opposing side towards AFS, I'd always like to know a reason or explanation to certain things on why they've made actions. As for the DM part, they faction will go through rough times or "wars" I'll tell you that. But when it comes to it, Scripting is something we'll rarely use only if its 'really' necessarily to be used. That'll have somewhat of a control over preventing death matching.

And again, if it comes to a point in which a member has done something, a player could always report him/her with a PM having the format. If there's any sort of trouble I'd most likely go over with them on what they done and how they could manage to fix their mistakes. Though if its something majorly seriously and such, of course they'll be kicked.
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyThu Jan 05, 2012 2:22 pm

Thank you, StonedNighter.

Just wanted to clear up on the points before you start of on your ever so epic quest of adventure..

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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: The Arkway Family Shadow (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyWed Jan 25, 2012 2:40 pm

Hey friend can u put me in a high rank please.......
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyThu Feb 02, 2012 3:11 am

Ahoy, bringing this faction back active since I returned, gunna' be making a few twists here and there but nevertheless, activeness is all I'm focused in now. As for Gustavo-.. Try n' meet me IG when possible. Mkay.
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: The Arkway Family Shadow (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyMon Feb 06, 2012 1:51 pm

OK friend i will try my best to meet you in game and I think that you will put me on a high rank.Again bro thanks :smile:
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyMon Feb 06, 2012 4:22 pm

Looks good.
I wish you the best!
And i hope to see some good rping from it coming up
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyTue Feb 07, 2012 4:02 am

- New Capo to the AFS, Grats.
- Changed the general view of both threads.
- Gunna' be making some sort of economy "bank" system within the faction in which all members Soldiers and up may have access through for expenses of the following; weapon deals, vehicle deals, business deals, and possibly housing deals. More of an IC thing at start though surely it'll turn into real IG cash.

Mkay, seems like we doing goody for the start. Btw, thanks Kevy.
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: The Arkway Family Shadow (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyWed Feb 08, 2012 10:15 am

thanks bro for putting me on capo I will do my best on this post. :smile:
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: The Arkaway Family Shadow (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyThu Feb 23, 2012 4:42 pm

hey bro know lets get to work on this faction as it is getting too late now.So we have to work hard for this faction
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That Kanadian Fellow
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyTue Feb 28, 2012 5:22 pm

Owner please post as to whether or not the faction is active.
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: The Arkway Family Shadow (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyWed Feb 29, 2012 11:19 pm

As being the capo of this faction i want to tell you that lance could not come for some days or week so i am saying that the fastion will be working in a couple of week or months. Lance said to me that we will be working on this faction later on because he has to do some work and we will work 25/7 in summer holidays!!
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That Kanadian Fellow
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That Kanadian Fellow

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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) EmptyThu Mar 01, 2012 12:09 am

PM me when the faction is able to be active, until then, locked and archived.
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[PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS)   [PENDING]The Arkaway Family Shadow. (AFS) Empty

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