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 Ray Black/Seeker Situation

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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 4:26 pm

Something that was mentioned on the other forums, and here, and needs to be cleared up:


Now.. You have all read Seekers lies on his forums before they were taken down, Let me explain our side of the story.

The original plan I had was with Ray, and only Ray, it was to create a new roleplay server, that we would co-own, It was to be a project for us both to learn how to script and map. That was when I quit VH a few months back. Then I came back to VH after I got sick of a few of the players begging me to, and complaining about the amount of hackers since I had left, and then after a week of playing, Peter asked me to take on trial admin position again.
When the xmas holidays hit, the player level should have jumped up, but it barely did. That was when I decided that I wanted to buy VH. Rudy and Peter were too busy with W:RP and Kevin was trying his hardest to manage it on his own.

When I told Ray that I didn't want to make a new server anymore, he was dissapointed, then I told him that I was going to try to buy VH, He offered to pay half, and we were going to do it as co-owners. We asked Yuri for help with organising it, Ray was going to be handling the development, and I was going to be the head of it, making all the important announcements and all that stuff.

On the 2nd Jan, about 10 minutes after I'd woken up, Seeker and Ray got me on a skype call.
This screenshot is of something was sent to me on skype, by after I had been home from camp for barely three hours.

At the time, I ignored it as I was not in the mood to bother with it, I just wanted one night to relax, and have some fun RP before I got stuck into dealing with a bunch of issues that I'd already been notified of.

They managed to talk me into removing Kyra from the Management team, Basically Seeker said to me, "Its a 2 vs 1 vote here, I can just go ahead and remove her if I wanted."
They reset the passwords to the RCON, FTP, and JiHost, so that Kyra wouldn't have access when I demoted her.

Anyway, Back to the skype call, He was straight away questioning be about demoting Kyra to level 3, I gave in and said I would do it later when she came online. After telling her about it, I realised that I needed her as management, otherwise I was going to lose the server to them.
I gave her the new passwords that they had reset, then we changed them to our own for safety reasons. I then told Seeker I wasn't going to remove Kyra, below is the chatlog of that, and how he reacted to it.



After that, He set Kyra to GM on the forums, and myself to Level 3. After we started telling people what had happened over the forums, Seeker banned both Kyra and myself. Then started his crusade on the forum shoutbox telling people how we tried to "Hijack" the server and take over.
Basically. Seeker and Ray had full control of the forums. Kyra and myself had full control of the server.

Ray sent an email to our host, from my email, asking them about the password, because he had no idea what was happening.

This is a copy of the emails that were sent and received;

The second email, about changing the password, was from Seeker. He did as they asked and registered a new account. They transferred it all across to his new account. That was when the server dropped.
I got in contact with Kenneth and he started on contacting them. Explaining the situation, and how what Seeker had done was theft. Blah blah, that goes on and on.
I got in contact with Kenneth, and with his help, we got in contact with the host, explained the situation, and we got control of the server back within about 3-4 hours of losing it. (Was down for a full day because of other problems)

While Seeker was working on getting the server in his name, He had also written up that huge post on Ray’s forum that was made to be the new VHRP forum. You all read the lies that he wrote.

What I was going to reply in request to that post:

A friend of Kenneth's (Known as 'Kelemania' by all of you) knew of this situation, and what Seeker was doing. He took action against it after watching over the forums (vhrp.en.nu) and watching the things Seeker was saying, and the reactions by some of the players, and he had the forums locked after it was starting to get further out of hand.

After that, Kenneth and I spoke to Seeker on skype. I barely remember any of the conversation, except the part about my hotmail, as I had been up for almost two days and was ready to just collapse and sleep for a week. There was a bit of a competition between Kenneth and Seeker over who could yell the loudest, a bunch of threats, and questions and all of that thrown back and forth. Anyway, that went on for a bit.

We then talked with Ray, from how he sounded on mic, and what he was saying, I could tell he was sick of the situation and was over it and wanted out.

The next day, Seeker told Ray it was over, and he was done with it.

Skype Chatlog || wrote:
[5/1/2012 1:01:55 PM] Danila: I give up, amigo.
[5/1/2012 1:03:16 PM] Ray Black: Ugh what
[5/1/2012 1:03:26 PM] Ray Black: Just woke up
[5/1/2012 1:03:31 PM] Danila: I'm too old for this shit.
(Yes, Ray was being lazy, and slept until 1pm )

On the 6th, from about 1am, though to 3:30am, Kyra and I were talking with Ray, about everything that had happened. We invited him back as a Management member, and have given him back his position on the Development team, and Seeker is no longer a problem for us.

Alright, I think I've covered everything I needed with this topic... You had better all read this, because I've spent three days working on writing it all up, between working on the forums and server, and, I'm ready to start shooting people soon.

Last edited by Dashie on Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:10 am; edited 4 times in total
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptySat Jan 07, 2012 11:18 pm

Yep... Your Right.. But within that month. I've learned: Its better to Forgive and Forget, Rather than be pissed of at people, It just gets you riled up..

To all you folks.. This situation between an Inner Vh war, did resolve itself quite quickly.. Because of the Multiple people who have patience, and Respect, Despite being Totally Pissed off.

During my 6 Years on Samp, I've seen a few Inner Server wars between admins, Management,(Mostly Lower admins Though) and I really have to say, Samara, Kyra, Ray, and the Rest of the SMT of Vhrp, will do vh proud. Be glad, for they might just bring vhrp to a whole new level of Roleplaying. I'm not Counting out other servers, They also have done well. Which made me make my decision, I will Stay dedicated to Only two servers.
I dont have to Increase in Administrative rank on zo, Just helping folks there makes me quite happy, and even on VH, I enjoy helping people, Rply, Oocly or whatever the case may be.

Well. I've said My share.
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptySun Jan 08, 2012 3:38 pm

Please feel free to comment. What you see is the truth.

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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptySun Jan 08, 2012 4:19 pm

Well, almost the same as Wilhelm, i know Samara for about 1 year and half, and i dont think she would do/did what Seeker said. I believe, and trust in her alot, as i trust in Rarity aswell. ALTROUGH i would say i'm (KINDA) neutral, not because i'm against Samara (Never). But because lets all admit, you never believe in a story, but you believe in a version of it.
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptySun Jan 08, 2012 6:22 pm

Power Hungry...
But i got nothing to say.
Do i?
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptyMon Jan 09, 2012 1:28 pm

The whole point to this is not to convince you so don't think that. This is just to inform you of the truth and nothing more. I can tell you from working with Samara and Kyra to get the server back that everything they say is true on this matter and you don't need to worry about this happening again.
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptyTue Jan 10, 2012 5:40 pm

Thanks for clearing this up and I is glad the epic kenneth helped. Completely off topic....Kenneth, you rule.
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptyTue Jan 10, 2012 8:25 pm

Great...That's what I wanted mostly..I disliked Seeker?If hater's read this sure,But if you have an opinion about Smazz others will have about Seeker.And you know what.I follow my mind.

I'm glad to see things are back the way it was mostly.Kenneth did a great job saving vhrp.It's a great thing you did dude.Smazz and Kyra well bought the server but from what I see,they do a good job now.So i'm asking keep Seeker out.And mainly...BRING BACK THE FUN,I don't know what happened but since all these new rules were enforced,this place lost it's orgininality,look back at summer time,it was fucked up but we had fun didn't we?Please make it like that again,It's the thing that keeps my faith in the server.It's your choice..I'll leave you to it.

About the Wilhelm thingy:No comment,that was fucked up.

Now that all is settled..End the drama,I'm sorry if you hate that I say it is,But it is.I mean ever since the server has been sold,Not much else than fighting about management power or anything similair occured.So.Make it a legit place stop the fights and keep out all the drama.Don't change THIS FORUM.Don't get THIS FORUM fucked up.I think most people are with me when I say "Stop transferring forums,Keep us in one place".That said....Time for the NEW management to bring the server back up.

-Nick Jones/Marcus Campbell

Server Veteran,Member since March.

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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptyTue Jan 10, 2012 9:11 pm

The_Marcus wrote:
And mainly...BRING BACK THE FUN,I don't know what happened but since all these new rules were enforced,this place lost it's orgininality,look back at summer time,it was fucked up but we had fun didn't we?Please make it like that again,It's the thing that keeps my faith in the server.It's your choice..I'll leave you to it.

You just said you want the place to be "fucked up" so it would be fun?... That' not VHRP's originality.
Back in my days (December)... Now THAT was epic. That's the VHRP's originality. And NOW I feel it back.

The_Marcus wrote:
-Nick Jones/Marcus Campbell

Server Veteran,Member since March.


"March" is not "Veteran".

-Nero Mckay/Michael Corvin

Server Veteran, member since December.

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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptyTue Jan 10, 2012 9:53 pm

Nero wrote:
The_Marcus wrote:
And mainly...BRING BACK THE FUN,I don't know what happened but since all these new rules were enforced,this place lost it's orgininality,look back at summer time,it was fucked up but we had fun didn't we?Please make it like that again,It's the thing that keeps my faith in the server.It's your choice..I'll leave you to it.

You just said you want the place to be "fucked up" so it would be fun?... That' not VHRP's originality.
Back in my days (December)... Now THAT was epic. That's the VHRP's originality. And NOW I feel it back.

The_Marcus wrote:
-Nick Jones/Marcus Campbell

Server Veteran,Member since March.


"March" is not "Veteran".

-Nero Mckay/Michael Corvin

Server Veteran, member since December.


No,I meant,Really good times,GSF,All that shit,I mean wasn't it more fun than people hanging around the bank?Remember Jager and his wolf pack hitting town?That didn't happen anymore either?Or where are the days That Sam and his Vampies surpised-bite people?Where are those?SD's top of the week:Shot up town due to bank robbery,Does sound better than SD's top of the week:Traffic Stop.Those are the days I want,action...Get it?
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptyTue Jan 10, 2012 10:33 pm

One month can decide is VH "original" or not.

I, don't know what's original. But I do remember the time when Fegarri used to Script whole PC. Or when GSF Script fought Fegarri. When Andersun embraced every possible human and when Walker sniped people. When werewolves did random jumps or when FBI used to chase suspects instead of SD. I remember when everyone used to know about vampires and when Akira did that jump over the Fleidgeberg sign. Or when we could Script whoever we want with proper RP reason, when factions could buy weapons without licenses and no one would really care about it. I even liked when Edward or who else drove the harvester around PC no matter how much Non-RPish that seemed. Yeah, that was a hell and a mess.

But hey. That was fun. It was. No matter how much fucked up it seemed, it was fun. At least for me. And what's so fun about being "Veteran" either. You don't get anything from that, do you? Well, you do, one word and bold over it.

Nothing lasts forever, nothing really. I honestly think that VH:RP was always original and no matter who takes control over, whoever becomes the new leader of any faction or even if new management raises up, I think, it will still be the original.

And if nothing, I'm glad that this mess with Seeker is finally gone so I, and everyone else in here, can rest their heads and think about the future of this server. Just bring it some time, good stuff will come once again. Not if you argue, not if you hate, nor to judge the wrong way, but if you give it a chance and think about it.
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptyTue Jan 10, 2012 11:34 pm

Nicolas wrote:
One month can decide is VH "original" or not.

I, don't know what's original. But I do remember the time when Fegarri used to Script whole PC. Or when GSF Script fought Fegarri. When Andersun embraced every possible human and when Walker sniped people. When werewolves did random jumps or when FBI used to chase suspects instead of SD. I remember when everyone used to know about vampires and when Akira did that jump over the Fleidgeberg sign. Or when we could Script whoever we want with proper RP reason, when factions could buy weapons without licenses and no one would really care about it. I even liked when Edward or who else drove the harvester around PC no matter how much Non-RPish that seemed. Yeah, that was a hell and a mess.

But hey. That was fun. It was. No matter how much fucked up it seemed, it was fun. At least for me. And what's so fun about being "Veteran" either. You don't get anything from that, do you? Well, you do, one word and bold over it.

Nothing lasts forever, nothing really. I honestly think that VH:RP was always original and no matter who takes control over, whoever becomes the new leader of any faction or even if new management raises up, I think, it will still be the original.

And if nothing, I'm glad that this mess with Seeker is finally gone so I, and everyone else in here, can rest their heads and think about the future of this server. Just bring it some time, good stuff will come once again. Not if you argue, not if you hate, nor to judge the wrong way, but if you give it a chance and think about it.
How epic can you be?
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptySun Jan 15, 2012 9:11 pm

Alright. So, my vacations F*** up epicly and I end up in some crappy PC and not registering on the new forums. But honestly, I sincerely didn't understand shit from what happened but whatever it was, it's over. I guess.

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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 12:41 pm

I shoulda kicked Seekers ass when I had the chance back on the old forums..
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 6:13 pm

2 weeks of inactivity and this is what happened? I have read everything and I say Samara is right. IDK Seeker much but uh.. based on my experience in VH, he was ONCE an admin and got demoted for... I dont remember.. Anyway, Seeker somehow tries to take over the server from Samara which I can simply called it as.. SCAM?
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 6:18 pm

Raiden wrote:
2 weeks of inactivity and this is what happened? I have read everything and I say Samara is right. IDK Seeker much but uh.. based on my experience in VH, he was ONCE an admin and got demoted for... I dont remember.. Anyway, Seeker somehow tries to take over the server from Samara which I can simply called it as.. SCAM?

Raiden you were there on the old forums when all this was still going on...
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation EmptyFri Jan 20, 2012 6:24 pm

Nero wrote:
Raiden wrote:
2 weeks of inactivity and this is what happened? I have read everything and I say Samara is right. IDK Seeker much but uh.. based on my experience in VH, he was ONCE an admin and got demoted for... I dont remember.. Anyway, Seeker somehow tries to take over the server from Samara which I can simply called it as.. SCAM?

Raiden you were there on the old forums when all this was still going on...

Nero, I have been focusing 100% with Military School and now I dont remember stuff much.
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Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ray Black/Seeker Situation   Ray Black/Seeker Situation Empty

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