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 [Cell]Auto EMS Caller + [HP]Damage

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[Cell]Auto EMS Caller  +   [HP]Damage - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Cell]Auto EMS Caller + [HP]Damage   [Cell]Auto EMS Caller  +   [HP]Damage - Page 2 EmptyMon Mar 19, 2012 9:34 pm

If this is possible, you could script that every once in a while there will be an injured bot. Either from a car accident, shoot out, etc. EMS would get a 911 call, and also script that it can be put into the ambulance, IF it's possible.
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[Cell]Auto EMS Caller  +   [HP]Damage - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Cell]Auto EMS Caller + [HP]Damage   [Cell]Auto EMS Caller  +   [HP]Damage - Page 2 EmptyTue Mar 20, 2012 3:46 am

Lloyd_McFadden wrote:
Fluttershy wrote:
Alright, here, let me say it simply.

This is an RP server, not a super uber realistic RPG, it's called roleplaying for a reason, if a script is there to do everything for us then where's the RP?

Let ME explain it simply..

EMS is a faction created to CREATE Rp for when people roleplay injuries. BUT, what the fuck is the point in having it considering No-one calls them. You really want this to be a RP Server? then either make people call the EMS more or make a script to do it.

But forget it, you will probably do nothing to help the EMS out, you and another large portion of the server simply cannot be arsed to help the server progress.

If no one calls them, it's simple. Call them yourself. :v
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[Cell]Auto EMS Caller  +   [HP]Damage - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Cell]Auto EMS Caller + [HP]Damage   [Cell]Auto EMS Caller  +   [HP]Damage - Page 2 EmptyTue Mar 20, 2012 7:05 pm

Fluttershy wrote:
Lloyd_McFadden wrote:
Fluttershy wrote:
Alright, here, let me say it simply.

This is an RP server, not a super uber realistic RPG, it's called roleplaying for a reason, if a script is there to do everything for us then where's the RP?

Let ME explain it simply..

EMS is a faction created to CREATE Rp for when people roleplay injuries. BUT, what the fuck is the point in having it considering No-one calls them. You really want this to be a RP Server? then either make people call the EMS more or make a script to do it.

But forget it, you will probably do nothing to help the EMS out, you and another large portion of the server simply cannot be arsed to help the server progress.

If no one calls them, it's simple. Call them yourself. :v

Uhhh...you don't even understand what I'm saying...just forget it..it's like talking to a wall..

And Bryan, NPC's create a rather large amount of Lag. I'd advise them to not add that.
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[Cell]Auto EMS Caller  +   [HP]Damage - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Cell]Auto EMS Caller + [HP]Damage   [Cell]Auto EMS Caller  +   [HP]Damage - Page 2 Empty

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[Cell]Auto EMS Caller + [HP]Damage
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