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 Server Rules

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Posts : 1080
Join date : 2012-01-03
Age : 30
Location : Adelaide, Australia

Server Rules Empty
PostSubject: Server Rules   Server Rules EmptyTue Jan 03, 2012 6:47 pm

1. Do not use any cheats or hacks, exploits or third party modifications.

2. Roleplay at all times unless an admin says not to.*

3. Do not metagame

4. Do not powergame.

5. Do not deathmatch.

6. Revenge killing is prohibited.

7. Do not steal(ninja-jack) cars with a driver inside without any role-play.

8. Do not use abbreviations in character.

9. Constantly jumping (bunny-hopping) is prohibited.

10. Do not heal during fights.

11. Do not AFK or alt-tab for longer than 10 minutes.

12. Do not advertise any servers or sites without an admin's approval.

13. OOC insulting or racism is prohibited.*

14. Drive-by as a driver is prohibited, only passengers are allowed to drive-by.

15. Do not use fully capitalized sentences in any chats.

16. Do not spam.

17. Do not rob or scam level 1-2 players.

18. Do not scam over $3000.

19. Do not rob over $300.

20. Do not take out heavy weapons (Shotgun, SPAS12, MP5, AK47, M4, Country Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Katana, Golf Club, Baseball Bat, Shovel, Pool Cue, Cane, Parachute) without any roleplay unless they're /holster-ed.

21. IC chat is an English-only chat.

22. Sexual harassment without an OOC consensus between both sides is prohibited.

23. Do not use a celebrity/famous name as a character name.

24. Don't transfer money or property from one account to another (OOC-ly) without an admin's permission.

25. Do not share your accounts with other people.
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