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 SASD Official Statement - January 24th, 2012.

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SASD Official Statement - January 24th, 2012. Empty
PostSubject: SASD Official Statement - January 24th, 2012.   SASD Official Statement - January 24th, 2012. EmptyTue Jan 24, 2012 10:11 pm

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SASD Official Statement - January 24th, 2012.

Around 8pm, a hostage situation has taken place. Sheriff Ellis and a member of our department got kidnapped by two unknown individuals, in a club in center of Palomino. SWAT was called, and the street was blocked off to traffic and pedestrians for two hours. SWAT raided the building, and has rescued the hostage. Suspects got away through an unknown exit point. An unidentified dead body has been found in the couch. One of the suspects has been identified as David Reese, the club owner. Other suspect looks like *Cole Miller*. If you have any information about them, call 911. Do not approach them or try to apprehend them by yourself. They are considered armed and dangerous.

In a quick night raid, SWAT raided two houses regarding the case. In one they found two massacred dead bodies. SASD will inform you when the suspects are arrested.

San Andreas Sheriff's Department
PAID - Public Affairs and Investigations Division
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SASD Official Statement - January 24th, 2012.
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