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 *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank]

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*CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank] Empty
PostSubject: *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank]   *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank] EmptyFri Feb 17, 2012 8:28 pm

*CCTV recordings recorded the following: (See spoiler)
*Kevin have been seen wearing: A SD hat*
*He was carrying: Officers Uniform,Badge and a Dutyweapon(Glock/Baretta) with him*
*CCTV recorded him as: Running towards the forest empty handed, and returning from it with the officers equipment*
*The Bank's and General Store's CCTV have been involved*
((If there wasn't a Camera at the General store, then the CCTV haven't seen him entering and leaving the forest))

This is the Video and Voice recordings chat which the CCTV recorded:
*Took place right infront the bank*
*Conversation between: *Kevin Boegs* & *Christopher Adams*
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*CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank] Empty
PostSubject: Re: *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank]   *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank] EmptyFri Feb 17, 2012 11:29 pm

((We don't have SD uniforms anymore. Haven't had those for quite sometime now.))
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*CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank] Empty
PostSubject: Re: *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank]   *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank] EmptySat Feb 18, 2012 10:35 am

((Why are they still walking in their skins then?
Edit: I still got the equipment.))
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Age : 30
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*CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank] Empty
PostSubject: Re: *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank]   *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank] EmptySat Feb 18, 2012 1:13 pm

((How did you get it?))
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Location : Forest/Home

*CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank] Empty
PostSubject: Re: *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank]   *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank] EmptySat Feb 18, 2012 4:34 pm

((Several officers and stuff))
((Do you really think i post non-pro stupid stuff onto the forum?))
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*CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank] Empty
PostSubject: Re: *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank]   *CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank] Empty

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*CCTV Recordings 17-2-2012 23:15* [Infront of the bank]
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