Griffin Produtions Present: COWARD or CHILD
Hello all, this is a Limited Edition News Presentation that reports somethings I see.
Today I'll present:COWARD or CHILD?
Due to a Big number of Enemies, Nick Buchtele, as Witnessed many Robberies and Attacks to him(Counting with me)for what I see in RCSD Officer's Faces, they seem tired of this man's Calls to 911.
Solution:Leave him, He can defend him self.Me and my friends think"He's Gay for sure", Unless he says not, he better be Alert. Nick you are The First On The List
Is he a COWARD or a CHILD?Call/SMS 1000003 ((IG)) or answer to this, to your answer.
As soon as I decide the veredict, me and my friends will talk to the cops.
Since Cops warned me about if I goto to his Farm(For the ones who know where he lives)I'd get Arrested, so Call/SMS 1000003 If you want to help.
Producer:Kiro Griffin
Co-Producer:Kiro Griffin
Topic Person:Nick Buchtele
Information:Kiro's Friends
Envolved Persons:RCSD,Kiro's Friends,Farmers